why grab rabbi?
Zech 8:23
Chaplaincy for Hebraic Studies welcomes you this September 2017.
Lots to evaluate in the shifting conceptual models, as old paradigms we have gotten used to, are now being challenged. The norm, convention and stereotypical (Often Judeo-phobic) interpretations must be re-examined in light of this new matrix with all eyes on Israel. Thus, God has preserved the Jews and restored a homeland in Palestine where, though as a faint concept at first or a far-fetched possibility expressed by the earlier settlers in pioneer towns, these communities of immigrants swarmed like bees to produce the first yoghurt ice-cream and cheese factories in a land of milk and honey. Occupation is a prism through which we see how the light of 19th century Zionism manifests itself in the amazing diversity that Israel is. Thus, God has preserved the Jews so that we can study the hand that rocks Messiah's cradle into which the New Testament was born.
This September...
Living in your Glory Zone
Your default innate ability is as unique as God designs it, come discover who you are and your greatness in Him!
Author and lecturer, Rev. Dr. Skip Moen has five earned degrees including a Ph.D. from Oxford University in England. He teaches about the influence of culture and language on biblical exegesis and doctrine. He is married and lives in central Florida with is wife, Rosanne. His books on the role of the wife in Hebraic thought and the dynamics of family trauma have been widely received and acclaimed.