Tabernacles is that time of the year to come together and ask : Don't you know its time to Praise the LORD? The blind, the crippled and the maimed, all are invited, like lame Mephibosheth to feast at the King's table continually.
(1.) : REUNION,
He was carried to the table of the Lord - Mephibosheth was lame in both feet and as a powerless creature, he was dependent on others. Many of us are like this. We have been dropped, historically damaged and traumatised. But here we are in wonder at it all.
(2.) : REFOCUS,
He was covered by the divine tablecloth - For all his disability, Mephibosheth knew that all would be well once he took his place. All he needed to do was to overcome his inhibition and show up. There is something about having the divine tablecloth of His word to cover your nakedness and realign us back to what it means to be loved unconditionally.
(3.) : REJOICE,
He was brought into the conversation True self-knowledge begins in His presence. There is no self-mastery apart from Christ. There is only worship. There is only surrender. And in that surrender, there is the cessation of that ancient hostility within our soul that has been so actively seeking something to grasp for other than reality in Christ.