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Web Partner Services has taken new heights. In collaboration with GBG partners like you, our new Wix site is a happy addition to our family of digital assets designed with volunteers in mind. is a collaborative process between Thea Eugenie from Bali, Indonesia during a 60-day media internship in Geylang. We are grateful for every piece of the puzzle supplied by individuals coming from very unique and distinctive backgrounds like your own.

With great joy and a sense of pride in our Partnership across Asia and among our international interns, associates and global partners, we are thankfully privileged to be able to supply the required content for this new site that seeks to support the various street, classroom and chapel initiatives based at our rental facility at 175 Geylang Road.

Please consider this as your invitation and a short notice of meeting for our annual general meeting at 2:00 pm on Sun, 14 Dec 2014 (there will be a pot-bless at 12:30 pm) in celebration of the strategic steps we've taken together over the past year that began with our ministry of helps to the street communities in Tacloban last November.

Our annual general meetings will also be a time where our home team will share the FACE to FACE and SIDE by SIDE vision as we engage ambitions, expertise, strengths and resources in an upward return to FACE to FACE worship of the Creator as well as those beautiful moments of achievement working SIDE by SIDE for the common good.

With the new Human Trafficking bill being under public scrutiny and debated at the highest levels of governments, coupled with the after-8pm alcohol bans in certain ethnic communities such as Little India (after the riots) and now in the Geylang street cafes, one wonders how long more we will be in our assignment in our traditional area of operations.

However, I am resolved to continue until every one of the victims who want to get out can find a route of escape as this great door of opportunity is still as yet unclosed. Until then, it is pointless to speculate what the future holds. Will there be a removal of the brothels to another location (away from the city perhaps?) Will brothel licenses be renewed another term?

Last GloryWalk (Wisdom Wednesday) saw the visit of both the National and the International Directors of Operation Mobilization courtesy of Maureen Easting who got to know about GBG through a missional conference on Trafficking. We are truly grateful for all the encouragement received from like-minded volunteers in the spirit of christian hospitality and service so characteristic of the people of the New Testament.

As far as our prayer work, we have to date completed 260 mornings in the secret gardens of the soul. Saints from various persuasions and across traditions have gathered at our Geylang facility in quiet worship and at the communion table. We have had Muslim converts lead our prayers (Prof Daniel Shayesteh) as well as Catholic nuns leading the bible study (Sr Mary Soh, FMM).

GBG continues to supply a comfortable base for volunteers to rest and deliberate on next steps. Our library is opened daily and we'll continually make available new books, videos, music etc resources for further study or meditation. We have been visited my countless numbers since the beginning and we thank you for all your ceaseless hours of intercession, warfare and worship. They are making a huge difference.

Once again, I extend a warm welcome for all our GloryWalk volunteers in Singapore to this special time of accounting, appreciation and awareness as we honor the efforts of those commitments that have made the rescues possible and triggered the healing that continues to bring greater understand of the very difficult situations the street women and girls are facing.

I know that you will not turn your back, back down or turn around until every last of the children are kept safe from the illegitimate and unscrupulous ones. Our volunteers are active in both remote upstream villages where the recruitment and defrauding begins but also in more visible and obvious places where the pimps operate their rings of exploitation.

Thank you for standing with us for another year and please do not hesitate to text me at 9-645-8840 or ring round to the church office 6-743-6938 to make enquiry on how you can further make an impact in the lives of the lost and lonely in the back lanes of Geylang,

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